To foster and coordinate values education in the College.
To assist students in discerning and handling life events and issues related to themselves, their families, societies, nation, and the world while fostering positive values and attitudes.
To develop students' values, moral qualities and arouse their civic awareness.
To help students reflect on their learning experience.
Scope of Work
To develop and implement effective strategies, activities, and resources that foster the development of positive values and character traits in students.
To organise seminars and workshops with external organisations to promote values.
To provide discussion materials related to different values and dimensions of life for Form Teachers to facilitate values, moral and civic education.
To provide reflection tools for students to enrich and amplify their learning experience.
Miss K. Y. Wong (Convenor)
Miss P. S. Chan
Miss W. Yiu
Mr K. S. Kwok
Mr P. M. Choy
Mr C. K. Choi
Miss Berthold Katrina Maree